Monday, 6 June 2011

Effect of temperature - 3rd experimental plan

I changed the experimental procedure once more because I discovered that some problems would occur in the process of carrying out the old experimental plan.

New procedure:
Step 1: Squeeze fresh orange juice.
Step 2: Take initial pH of orange juice and record it down.
Step 3: Pour orange juice equally into 2 boiling tubes, each 1/3 a boiling tube.
Step 4: Immediately cover the top of both boiling tubes with aluminum foil and cling wrap.
Step 5: Put one setup in the fridge and one in room temperature.
Step 6: Leave setups in respective locations for 3 hours and record the pH level of the juice every 15 minutes with the help of the data logger and pH probe.
Step 7: Construct a table for each set of data and then plot separate graphs of pH level against time.
Step 8: Repeat entire experiment once more.

I decided not to have the sample of orange juice in the freezer as it would not be possible to measure the pH level of that sample. After a while, the juice in the freezer would freeze and to be able to take the pH level of a sample, it has to be in liquid form. Waiting for the sample to melt and take the pH level would mess up the timings and make the readings and results inaccurate. Therefore, it is better not to test a sample in the freezer. So, now there will only be one setup left in the fridge and one out in room temperature.

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