Firstly, the new set-ups will include:
1. Exposed sample of orange juice close to 0 degrees Celsius (kept with ice cubes around it and insulated)
2. Covered sample of orange juice close to 0 degrees Celsius
3. Exposed sample of orange juice close to 60 degrees Celsius (kept in a mini DIY 'water bath')
4. Covered sample of orange juice close to 60 degrees Celsius
5. Exposed sample of orange juice close to 90 degrees Celsius (kept in mini DIY 'water bath')
6. Covered sample of orange juice close to 90 degrees Celsius
The new experimental procedure shall be:
Step 1: Warm up a large amount of water on a hot plate with a set temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, and another set of water on a hot plate with a set temperature of 90 degrees Celsius.
Step 2: Squeeze 1000ml of fresh orange juice.
Step 3: Take initial pH level of orange juice and record it down.
Step 4: Pour 100ml of orange juice into each of the 10 cups.
Step 5: Immediately cover the top of 5 cups with aluminum foil and cling wrap, and leave the other 5 cups uncovered.
Step 6:
- Set-up 1 - put 1 covered cup and 1 exposed cup of orange juice in a bigger cup filled with ice cubes, insulate both cups of orange juice by wrapping numerous layers of cloth around them and putting both cups in a styrofoam box (change the ice cubes when they have all melted)
- Set-up 2 - put 1 covered cup and 1 exposed cup of orange juice in the fridge
- Set-up 3 - leave 1 covered cup and 1 exposed cup of orange juice outside in room temperature
- Set-up 4 - put 1 covered cup and 1 exposed cup in a bigger cup filled with water at 50 degrees Celsius, insulate both cups of orange juice by wrapping numerous layers of cloth around them and putting both cups of orange juice in a styrofoam box (change the warm water regularly so the temperature of the orange juice sample remains as constant as possible, this warm water attained from Step 1)
- Set-up 5 - put 1 covered cup and 1 exposed cup in a bigger cup filled with water at 80 degrees Celsius, insulate both cups of orange juice by wrapping numerous layers of cloth around them and putting both cups of orange juice in a styrofoam box (change the warm water regularly so the temperature of the orange juice sample remains as constant as possible, this warm water attained from Step 1)
Step 7: Leave setups at their respective places for 3 hours and record the pH level of the samples every 15 minutes with the help of the data logger and pH probe.
Step 8: Construct a table for each set of data and then plot separate graphs of pH level against time.
Step 9: Repeat entire experiment once more.
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